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Patient Care

New technology used in UF Interventional Radiology

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Dr. Jeffrey Vogel and Interventional Radiology Fellow Dr. Vlad Maksimchuk on the the first successful Embold Packing Coils case at UF Health in Gainesville. Embold coils are a newly launched Boston Scientific product for use in minimally invasive…

Invasive Placenta Management Team Receives Award

As a part of 2020 Patient Safety and Quality Week, the UF Health Invasive Placenta Management Team received one of four Team Safety and Quality Awards for Hospital Goal Improvement. Drs. Dhanashree Rajderkar and Michael Lazarowicz represented the Pediatric Radiology and Vascular & Interventional Radiology team members on March…

Medical Spotlight “Nanoknife” on ABC 20

Medical Spotlight on the Shands usage of the Nanoknife on ABC 20, Jim Caridi, M.D., Chief of Interventional Radiology at UF&Shands, speaks with David Snyder about the theories behind the use of the Nanoknife which uses electricity to attack cancer cells.

NanoKnife Video Clip

Dr. James Caridi discusses the IRE NanoKnife and Interventional Radiology at Shands at the University of Florida.

NanoKnife Usage at UF

University of Florida Radiologists are tenth in nation to use NanoKnife to kill Soft-Cell Cancer Tumors. Radiologists at Shands at the University of Florida have used nanotechnology to precisely deliver electrical currents to destroy tumor cells in a patient with colon cancer. On Feb. 25, James Caridi, M.D., and Jeffrey…

Radiology Tower Transition

As we begin our transition to covering the new tower, the Department of Radiology has implemented a Radiology Tower Transition Hotlink campaign which will provide our customers with: 1. Access to information regarding the transition 2. A means by which to confidentially contact us with questions, concerns,…

Mammogram Screening

Have you had your mammogram this year? Beginning at age 40, it is recommended that women get a mammogram once a year. Mammograms save lives by detecting breast cancer as early as possible. The Park Avenue Imaging Center has new digital mammography equipment which is fast with minimal discomfort.