In order to provide excellent, sub-specialized patient care, interventional procedures are performed by five separate sections: Vascular and Interventional Radiology (“Specials”), Spine Interventional Radiology, Neuro Interventional Radiology, Neuroradiology and Body Imaging.
To minimize procedural delays and maximize efficiency, certain orders should be written and labs available. All patients that require general anesthesia or conscious sedation, should be made NPO after midnight for the presumed day of procedure. Based on an internal review, all of our routine inpatient cases are performed within 48 hours of being ordered. To minimize patient discomfort, the primary team should call to verify if the patient is on the schedule by noon of the procedure day to either D/C or maintain the NPO order.
Required labs include: CBC, Coags, Creatinine (if contrast is to be used). For most procedures, acceptable lab values are: Plts > 50K, INR < =1.5, Cr < 2.0. Additional labs are procedure specific and may include: LFT’s, tumor markers, micro, amylase, lipase, etc.
Over the last 3 years, a Consult Form has been implemented which has markedly reduced the risk of improper procedures being performed, laterality issues and patient’s “falling thought the cracks”. In addition, it has improved overall efficiency by having the teams contact numbers readily available, knowing if the patient is consentable and having Power of Attorney numbers available. Due to the associated risks to the patient when this form is not utilized, NO VERBAL or TELEPHONE ORDERS ARE ACCEPTED.
Contact Numbers and Hours
Please click on the links to see what procedures are offered in each division.
Normal Business Hours
- 8:00AM to 5:00PM; Monday through Friday
- Does not include weekends or State holidays
Normal Business Hours Contacts
Division | Phone | Fax |
VIR “Specials” | 50116 | 50067 |
Spine Intervention | 50892 | 50279 |
Neuro Intervention | 50116 | 50067 |
Neuro | 44381 | 51076 |
Bodies | 44385 | 58930 |
After Business Hours
- 5:00PM to 8:00AM; Monday through Friday
- Includes Weekends and State holidays
After Business Hours Contacts
Division | Phone | Fax |
VIR “Specials” | 44385 | 50067 |
Spine Intervention | 50892 | 50279 |
Neuro Intervention | Neurosurgery OnCall | 50067 |
Neuro | 44385 | 51076 |
Bodies | 44385 | 50067 |
Types of Procedures
VIR (“Specials”)
All procedures are non-neuro
- Angiography
- Arterial and venous stenting
- Biliary & renal intervention
- Central venous access / Infusaports
- Dialysis access
- Embolizations
- Trauma
- Hemhorrage
- Pre surgical / Oncologic
- Intravascular foriegn body retreval
- IRE (”nano knife”)
- IVC filter placement / removal
- PERCUTANEOUS feeding tubes
- Percutaneous thermoablation
- Thrombolysis
- Venography
- Venous sampling