Research Days are upon us . . .
Please join us at 12:30PM in the large conference room (G-101) on Wednesday, November 10 and Friday, November 12 for research and systems based practice project presentations. Scheduled presentations include:
Wednesday, November 10
1. Theresa Hudson: Acute PE (Systems Based Practice Project)
2. Jeremiah Wright: Imaging Studies on ED Patients Guidelines (Systems Based Practice Project)
3. Jeremiah Wright: Intracranial Hypotension Associated Stroke (Research Project)
4. Andrzej Wierzbicki: Contrast Extravasation – Quick Review of 2010 ACR Guidelines (Systems Based Practice Project)
Friday, November 12
1. Keith LaCour: Fetal MRI (Systems Based Practice Project)
2. Tara Massini: Reperfusion Injury Following Stroke (Research Project)
3. Brian Cartwright: Correlation of Breast MRI Recommendations with Biopsy ResultsĀ (Research Project)
4. Omar Hajibrahim: Cardiac MRI (Systems Based Practice Project)
We hope to see you there!