Employees will be provided Employee Year-End Earnings Statements which will assist them in comparing the amounts on the 2009 W-2 form to the earnings, deductions, taxes and net pay on their last biweekly earnings statement for 2009. This year’s Employee Year-End Earnings Statements will only be available electronically through my.ufl.edu/My Self Service.
Employee consent is not required for an employee to have access to the Employee Year-End Earnings Statements. Foreign national employees or nonresident aliens will receive their IRS 1042-S forms on or before March 15, 2010 since these employees have special withholding and reporting requirements with the IRS. Nonresident aliens receiving IRS 1042-S forms will not receive Employee Year-End Earnings Statements.
Employees should direct any questions concerning their W-2, W-2C, 1042-S forms and Employee Year-End Earnings Statements to University Tax Services at (352) 392-1324 or visit the website at University Tax Services – Finance and Accounting (http://fa.ufl.edu/tax).