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Medical Spotlight “Nanoknife” on ABC 20

Medical Spotlight on the Shands usage of the Nanoknife on ABC 20, Jim Caridi, M.D., Chief of Interventional Radiology at UF&Shands, speaks with David Snyder about the theories behind the use of the Nanoknife which uses electricity to attack cancer cells.

NanoKnife Video Clip

Dr. James Caridi discusses the IRE NanoKnife and Interventional Radiology at Shands at the University of Florida.

NanoKnife Usage at UF

University of Florida Radiologists are tenth in nation to use NanoKnife to kill Soft-Cell Cancer Tumors. Radiologists at Shands at the University of Florida have used nanotechnology to precisely deliver electrical currents to destroy tumor cells in a patient with colon cancer. On Feb. 25, James Caridi, M.D., and Jeffrey…