Abstract Accepted to 2021 SBI Symposium

Congratulations to Drs. Haley Letter and Mariam Hanna on the acceptance of their abstract “Can COVID-19 worsen racial disparities in breast imaging?” for electronic presentation at the 2021 Society of Breast Imaging/American College of Radiology Breast Imaging Virtual Symposium.

The SBI Virtual Symposium will be held online April 9-11, 2021. Accepted abstracts will be featured in the new virtual e-Poster Gallery, an interactive digital experience which meeting attendees will be able to access directly on the Symposium website.

Doctor Haley Letter

assistant professor

Haley Letter, MD

UF Jacksonville Department of Radiology

Dr Mariam Hanna, MD

assistant professor and division chief

Mariam Hanna, MD

UF Gainesville Department of Radiology