Some people have reported that they are unable to view or print the online W2 to which they have consented to receive electronically. This is primarily due to either web browser configuration or not having a more recent copy of Adobe Acrobat installed on their work stations. If you are unable to view and print your W-2, please try the following
before contacting the UF Helpdesk (392-HELP or
You may have on your Pop-Up Blocker. There are two ways to turn off Pop-Up Blocker:
- Hold down the “CTRL” key when you click on “My Self Service>View W-2/W-2c>YearEndForm” hyperlink. Continue holding the key until a new page appears with your W2.
- If you click on “My Self Service>View W-2/W-2c>YearEndForm ” and your W2 does not appear, you will need to disable your Pop-Up Blocker. On your Task Bar, go to “Tools”, scroll to “Pop-Up Blocker,” and choose “Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.” Then, click on ” My Self Service>View W-2/W-2c>YearEndForm” again for your W2.
For Firefox Users
- When Firefox blocks a site, it notifies the user on the top bar. If you click that Options button, you can tell it to allow pop-ups from or to show a particular pop-up. Telling it to show the bottom site, will open up your W2. Users can also go to Tools>Options>Content and uncheck the “Block Pop-Up Windows” box.
If these options still do not work, contact your college or departmental computer support personnel.